The Climate Litigation Brief, a joint initiative between the Carbon & Climate Law Review (CCLR) and the Climate Change Legal Initiative (C²LI), is a premier resource for in-depth insights and updates on climate litigation worldwide. This blog taps into the expertise of an international network of legal analysts, researchers, and jurisdiction-specific experts to bring readers detailed commentary on significant cases, […]
Climate Litigation Brief
Der Climate Litigation Brief, eine Kooperation des Carbon & Climate Law Review (CCLR) und der Climate Change Legal Initiative (C²LI), ist eine erstklassige Quelle für detaillierte Einblicke und aktuelle Informationen zu Klimaprozessen weltweit. Der Blog nutzt die Expertise eines internationalen Netzwerks von Wissenschaftlern und Rechtsexperten, um seinen Lesern detaillierte Kommentare zu wichtigen Fällen, Trends und Entwicklungen zu liefern.
Kate McKenzie
CEO and Director of the Climate Change Litigation Initiative (C2LI) University of Strathclyde | Managing Editor CCLR
Kate McKenzie
CEO and Director of the Climate Change Litigation Initiative (C2LI) University of Strathclyde | Managing Editor CCLR
Kate McKenzie
CEO and Director of the Climate Change Litigation Initiative (C2LI) University of Strathclyde | Managing Editor CCLR