Datenschutz- und Informationsrecht
Hybrid Seminar |
11.04.2024 |
Brussels |
Sprache: Englisch

AIRe Journal Launch: The AI Act – New Era for AI Governance in EU and Beyond?

AIRe Journal Launch: The AI Act - New Era for AI Governance in EU and Beyond? - Pictures Events 2023 57

To celebrate the launch of the new Journal of AI Law and Regulation (AIRe), Lexxion Publisher is hosting an afternoon event on the topic of the EU AI Act. The event will include a keynote speech and panel discussion on the landmark legislation, its impact on the governance of AI in Europe and beyond. Join us free of charge in Brussels or online on 11 April 2024 for a stimulating debate, followed by a networking reception. The launch event is organised by Lexxion Publisher in cooperation with The Future Society.

Participation is free, but there are limited spaces available, so we recommend that you reserve your spot today!

Register now!

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