Alexandra Caterbow
Co-Direktorin von Health and Environmental Justice Support e.V. (HEJSupport).
Alexandra Caterbow is an activist with experience in environmental policy, especially international and European Union (EU) chemical policy processes. She made her Master of Arts in political science, social psychology and sociology, and has a degree in journalism. In her work she focuses on chemical and waste issues, as well as sustainable consumption and production. For the last 8 years she has been co-leading ROCA, a NGO group working on the Rotterdam Convention, co-coordinating the Working Group on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) within IPEN, and facilitating advocacy workshops with various NGO groups, such as policy trainings for Baltic NGOs and NGOs in Central Asia. She has participated in various international chemical policy processes (the Stockholm Convention, SAICM, and the Rotterdam Convention) for numerous years. Ms. Caterbow has long practical and theoretical experience in advocacy. Prior to co-founding HEJSupport, she led programmes on asbestos, EDCs, toys safety and nanomaterials at WECF. She additionally led several large EuropeAid and United Nations-funded projects in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Western Balkans. During her time at WECF, Ms. Caterbow became a fundraising expert with a high success rate. Ms. Caterbow has published several articles and brochures.