Christos Peolidis
Case Handler, Access to finance, R&D&I and Environment, Directorate-General Competition, European Commission, Brussels
Christos Peolidis is dealing with the design and assessment of State aid measures in Energy and Environment sector formore than 9 years. The last 7 years hewas responsible in the European Commission in DG Competition for State aid analysis and assessment of measures in the Energy and Environment sector. He is focused on State aid measures for energy efficiency, support to RES, waste management projects, water- and wastewater treatment projects. Before joining the European Commission, he was advising his national authorities in the design and implementation of some of the most successful aid measures related to energy efficiency interventions in the building and household sectors. Currently he is offering consulting services in the field of energy and waste management. Besides his professional experience in the public administration he has a long experience in the private sector which he served for more than 13 years in management positions in the commodities sector. His background is in Chemical Engineering and has a master’s degree in environmental design of large infrastructure projects. He is father of four children and besides English and Greek he is fluent in German. In his free time, he is active in the revitalization of small communities on Mount Olympus in Greece under the project