Dr. Bert Popping
Chief Executive Officer, FOCOS GmbH, Alzenau
Dr. Bert Popping is the chief executive officer of the strategic food consulting company FOCOS. His company advises food manufacturers, start-up companies, not-for-profit organisations, investors, laboratories and governments on strategic food safety solutions and emerging technologies. Bert previously worked as Chief Scientific Officer and Director Scientific Development and Regulatory Affairs for multi-national contract laboratories. He currently serves as co-chair of the ILSI task force on food fraud and is the scientific advisor on food fraud to AOAC International. Bert also serves on numerous standardisation committees and government working groups related to food fraud, including CEN TC 460, USP Food Ingredients Expert Committee and German §64 LFGB (official German methods working group).
He authored over 75 peer-reviewed publications on food safety, food allergens, food authenticity, food analysis, validation and regulatory assessments (https://www.focos-food.com/publications/). Bert serves on the board of directors of AOAC International and is a member of the editorial board of J. Food Additives and Contaminants and J. Food Analytical Methods. He currently co-edits a 76 chapter reference book “Present Knowledge in Food Safety” (ISBN 978-0-12-819470-6), which will be available from August of this year.