Prof. Dr. Jur. Helmut Maurer
Senior Legal Expert, Sustainable Chemicals, Directorate-General for the Environment, European Commission, Brussels
Prof. Dr. Jur. Helmut Maurer is Senior expert in DG Environment, sustainable chemicals unit, principal administrator since 2002, labour law, waste, chemicals, circular economy. He holds 2 State exams in law (Würzburg), Dr. jur. (univ. Trier, magna cum laude 1990) comparative labour law, the law of redundancy in Germany and the UK. Until 2015 he had Life time tenure as professor for Community law and international commercial law at technical university Nuremberg. Moreover, he had Life time tenure as professor for civil law at University of Applied Sciences (FH Bund) until 2000. Previous to that, Prof. Dr. Jur. Maurer worked for several years practicing as lawyer and as researcher at the Institute of labour law and Labour relations in Trier.