Rafael Perez-Berbejal
Team Leader “Novel Foods”, Directorate-General Health and Food Safety, European Commission, Brussels
Rafael Perez-Berbejal is born in Spain and got a Degree in Veterinary Medicine in 1987 and later on a Master of Health Science in Health Economics. He worked as a Veterinary Inspector at the Department of Public Health in Spain for 13 years and in 2002, he was recruited by the European Commission after having passed a competition as a veterinary auditor at the Food and Veterinary Office of DG Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) which is based in Dublin (Ireland). In 2010, he moved to the DG SANTE headquarters where he started to work as a policy officer in the area of food additives and food enzymes and in 2016 he moved to the field ‘novel foods” being appointed as team leader later on. During these 30 years of full time professional experience, he has represented the Commission in European and International Fora.