Europäische Struktur- und Investitionsfonds
Online Workshop |
02.12.2021 - 03.12.2021 |
Sprache: Englisch

EU Funds 2021-2027: Implementing the New Regulations

The new programming period 2021-2027 has just started and the relevant common provision regulation ((EU) 2021/1060) was published on June. At what stage are you in the process of finalising national/regional/cross-border Operational Programmes in your country? When do you plan to start with the first projects? Are you well informed about all the upcoming changes, related to the revised financial management and control system of ESI Funds and AMIF/ISF/BMVI? Join us and get prepared for the challenges of the new programming period and exchange experience with colleagues from different Member States.

Participants receive a certificate upon participation.

Starting from € 990,- (excl. VAT)

Reservation: You are welcome to reserve your seat, which is financially non-binding. For this, please drop an email to: [email protected]

Cancellation: The cancellation of participation must be in writing and is free of charge up to 14 days before the start of the event. In case of no-show or cancellation later than two weeks before the date of the event, the entire event price plus VAT is due.

Falls Sie Fragen zu unseren vergangenen oder zukünftigen Veranstaltungen haben sollten, kontaktieren Sie uns unter [email protected].



The recently published Common Provisions Regulation ((EU) 2021/1060) introduces some considerable changes in the financial allocation and management and control system of ESI Funds and Migration and Security Funds for the 2021 – 2027 programming period. The 2020 amendment of the proposal, caused by COVID-19, will additionally affect the financial management and control system in the new programming period. Our experts will help you understand how these novelties will affect your day-to-day work in the future.
This course comes exactly at the right time when you are finalising your national/regional/cross-border Operational Programmes 2021-2027. Our experts will help you overcome challenges and offer guidance.


  • EU Funds 2021-2027: Comparing two programming periods
  • ESIF for emergency measures 2014-2020: Impact on the new Programmes?
  • How to modify your Operational Programmes during negotiation with the European Commission?
  • Strengthening and improving verification activities – Managing Authority perspective
  • Changes related to Audit Authorities in the new programming period
  • Main findings of the previous programming period and lessons learnt for the programming period 2021-2027
  • New monitoring and reporting requirements
  • Evaluation in the new programming period

Who should participate?

  • Representatives from public authorities in charge of management, control and audit of EU Funds, especially from:
    • Managing Authorities
    • Responsible Authorities
    • Intermediate Bodies
    • Delegated Authorities
    • Certifying Authorities
    • Audit Authorities
  • EU Funds experts from regional and local authorities
  • Beneficiaries of EU funded projects, i.e.: Private and public companies, associations, research institutes
  • International, national and local associations and networks
  • Public and private banks
  • Consultants


A workshop by Lexxion Publisher offers the possibility to meet with experts from EU institutions, Member States as well as the private sector. The different perspectives of our experienced trainers will support you in applying complex rules to your practical day-to-day work. To achieve the best results, a mix of learning methods will be applied in the course.

Our approach combines the three stages of learning to ensure that the participants obtain the best possible understanding of the applied rules:

1) Identification of the main rules and principles,
2) Appreciation of the complexities and limitation of the principles,
3) Application of the rules and principles.

The participants will be actively involved in the course. The sessions will combine presentations, case studies and discussion on practical problems. You will have ample opportunity to present your own issues and discuss them with the speakers and participants from other Member States.

Just send to us your cases and questions in advance! We will forward them to our speakers, who will include your issues in the programme and answer them during the course. All information concerning such problems and cases will be treated confidentially.

Course materials are available for download after the event.

Online Course

During the online course by Lexxion Publisher all speakers present live via video and audio. Participants are actively involved in the online courses. By offering our participants the possibility to use their microphones and cameras during the whole course, we aim to recreate the atmosphere of a face-to-face Lexxion course. We encourage our participants to ask questions in real time and to take part in live discussions with speakers and other participants. Additionally, we offer breakout sessions, as part of this format, where participants work in smaller groups on real-life cases and exercises. During these exercises, participants have the technical possibility to see other group members and talk to them (using microphone and camera). Moreover, we make use of different interactive features of the online platform, such as polls, multiple choice questions and quizzes. This way participants can test their knowledge on the topic, anonymously. There are ample opportunities for the participants to present their own problematic issues, discuss and solve them with the speakers and participants from other Member States.

Course Material – No need to miss anything!

If you are unable to attend the course you may want to order all the presentations shown during the event. The price is € 199,- (excl. of VAT). If interested, please contact Julia Thiemann.

How to Join the Course Online

You will receive all information and a link to join the course via e-mail latest 1 day before the event.

If you have any questions in advance, please contact Julia Thiemann.


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