Florina Munteanu
Acting Director, Audit Department for the Regional Operational Programmes, Romanian Audit Authority within the Romanian Court of Accounts
Florina Munteanu has been working in the area of auditing EU funds since 2012, mainly for the ESF funded programmes. As an external public auditor, she was involved in all types of audit foreseen in the EU regulations, including the challenging tasks related to the closure of 2007 – 2013 programing period and the designation process of the MCS for the 2014 – 2020 programing period. Moreover, she was part of joint audit teams for horizontal audit missions at the level of the National Public Procurement Agency, the Certifying Authority within the Ministry of Finance and the IT system dedicated to the management of the EU funds in Romania.
She is currently head of one of the audit departments within the Romanian Audit Authority, being responsible for the quality control of the audit work performed by audit teams in charge with the audit for the Regional Operational Programmes financed in Romania.
Before joining the Romanian Audit Authority in 2012, she gained 8 years of experience in management and implementation of pre – accession and ESI funds, working first as project officer/project manager for infrastructure projects/programmes and supply/technical assistance contracts financed under Phare pre-accession funds implemented in accordance with the FIDIC Conditions of Contract or PRAG rules. Also, she was part of the team responsible for preparing the statement of cases and representing the ministry in the Disputes Adjudication Boards chaired by an independent adjudicator appointed by FIDIC. After Romania became full member of the EU, she continued her activity in one of the Managing Authorities responsible for ERDF financed programmes, being responsible for managing the evaluation, selection and contracting activity for the priority axis dedicated to the development of the 7 “growth poles” in Romania, with a financial allocation of 1.1 billion Euro.