Krasimir Petrov Nikolov
State Internal Auditor in the Ministry of Interior (Bulgaria) & external expert (physical person) in the European Research Executive Agency at the European Commission
Krasimir Nikolov has more than 12 years of experience in the field of EU projects, programmes and funds, and experience in evaluating Lump Sums project proposals under the Horizon Europe programme (CLIMATE & CIRCBIO) managed by the European Research Executive Agency at the European Commission.
His professional career encompasses the process of verification, certification and auditing. Currently, he works as chief internal auditor in the Internal Audit Unit (former Audit Authority on the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and the Internal Security Fund (ISF)). He is a team leader on audit of expenditures on ISF and a team leader on system audit of AMIF & ISF. Responsible for the communication with DG HOME, the ECA & the Joint Audit Directorate for Cohesion (DAC).
He has capacity in financial verification on projects funded under the AMIF & ISF in the Responsible Authority in the MoI, as well as programmes BG 12 Domestic and Gender-based Violence (Roma inclusion) and BG 13 Schengen Cooperation and Combating Cross-border and Organised Crime, including Trafficking and Itinerant Criminal Groups funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014.
In the Ministry of Finance, he worked as a senior expert in the Certifying Authority. He gained experience with the ERDF and the Cohesion Fund, in particular Operational Program “Transport 2007-2013” and Operational Program “Environment 2007-2013”, and also the Financial Mechanism of European Economic Area and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism.
He possesses a Doctoral degree earned from the University of National and World Economy. His thesis is titled “Organizational mechanism public-private partnership” (in social sciences). During his academic time, he has taken part in many international conferences and workshops in Brussels, Sofia, Rome and Birmingham, as well as published more than 30 articles in international journals. Furthermore, he is a Certified Government Auditing Professional (CGAP). He has a specialization in Globalización, Crecimiento Económico y Estabilidad, IE Business School, Madrid.