Marek Szczepański, Ph.D.
Director at BOŚ Bank SA, Poland
Marek Szczepański has over 25 years of professional experience including over 20 years in the positions associated with the EU funds programming and distribution. His main area of expertise are EU financial instruments.
Currently Director at BOŚ Bank SA (the Polish eco-bank), responsible for public funds.
Before joining BOŚ Bank, he was independent consultant and advisor to one of the largest commercial banks playing the role of financial intermediary providing loans co-funded with EU resources.
In years 2009-2015 he was Managing Director in Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (the state-owned development bank), responsible for implementation of projects co-financed by EU funds under 2007-2013 programming period (incl. JEREMIE and JESSICA) with total value of approx. EUR 1bn.
In years 2007-2009 Marek was CEO at PSDB Ltd., a consulting company specializing in advisory services, evaluations and trainings in EU funds’ area.
In years 2003-2005 Marek was the Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Economy and Labour. He was supervising several EU operational programmes 2004-2006.
He also worked in the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and Polish Agency for Enterprise Development as director of units responsible for EU funds.
Author of several reports and articles on financial instruments. Experienced trainer and lecturer in the area of EU funds.