- Erscheinungsweise vierteljährlich
- ca. 60 Seiten
- ISSN 2194-7376
- eISSN 2194-7384
- Sprache: Englisch
EPPPL – European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review
EPPPL 4/2024 Out Now
Issue 4/2024 of the European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review (EPPPL) is now available!
Read the Editorial by Christopher Bovis
The issue features the following articles:
- Third-Country Access to EU Public Procurement Markets: Protectionism or Regulatory Codification by Christopher Bovis
- The Evolution of Electronic Public Procurement Under Directive 2014/24/EU by Pedro Telles
- Prerogatives of the Administration During the Execution of the PPP Contract in China by Yan Wei
- Global Trade, Local Content and Sustainable Public Procurement: Challenges and Opportunities in Africa by Carol Cravero
The Country reports section includes updates from Belgium, France, Greece, and Portugal.
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