Europäische Struktur- und Investitionsfonds
Master Class with On-the-Spot Approach |
22.11.2022 - 25.11.2022 |
Florence |
Sprache: Englisch

Beat Fraudsters with the Newest Innovative Techniques

Fraud and corruption dramatically harm the economy, public finances as well as the reputation and credibility of the institutions involved. The rise of new technologies can significantly increase the likelihood of fraud since it may be more difficult to detect errors and irregularities. Auditors and all authorities involved in detecting fraud and corruption need to be informed and trained not only on new technologies against fraud, but above all, they need to gain the relevant skills and mindset to understand the mind of fraudsters arising in a digital world. Jo Kremers, our EU anti-fraud expert, will guide and train you to navigate the world of digital fraudsters in this new intensive course in Florence!

Participants receive a certificate upon participation.

Starting from € 2.980,- (excl. VAT)

Falls Sie Fragen zu unseren vergangenen oder zukünftigen Veranstaltungen haben sollten, kontaktieren Sie uns unter [email protected].


Who Should Participate?

Representatives from public authorities in charge of management, control, monitoring, and evaluation of ESI funds as well as from Migration and Security Funds (AMIF, ISF BMVI), especially from:

  • Managing Authorities
  • Audit Authorities
  • Intermediate Bodies
  • Regional and local authorities
  • Experts from EU, national and regional Courts of Auditors
  • Ministry of Interior
  • Ministry of Migration
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ministry of Integration
  • Ministry of Justice
  • Ministry of Finance
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
  • Police authorities such as: Border Police, Border Control Agencies, National and Regional Police Forces
  • Experts from institutions involved in the implementation of AMIF, ISF and BMVI
  • Consultants and lawyers specialised in ESI funds as well as in AMIF, ISF, and BMVI
  • Beneficiaries of EU funded projects (private and public companies, associations, research institutes), AMIF, ISF, and BMVI
  • International, national, local associations, and networks working in European Territorial Cooperation.

We would like to introduce our brand new format: Master class with On-the-spot Visits. The Chair of the Master Class is Jo Kremers, former Senior Audit Manager at the Ministry of Finance in the Netherlands.

Our approach during this unique, attractive and highly interactive event includes the set-up of a well-structured risk analysis, focused on gathering evidence, fact finding, based on professional scepticism, by the use of the internet, open sources, data analysis and sophisticated software, and not to forget the use of your most important instruments,  combined with a more innovative way of thinking. Under professional coaching and guidance, enthusiastic teams are competing for the best results and a real reward.

The participants will be actively involved in various exercises and group works during the course. This round-table format will offer a platform to learn how to prevent, detect and combat irregularities and fraud in ESI Funds, IPA Funds, AMIF and ISF. Besides expert presentations, the sessions will include discussions and exchange of national (best) practices as well as expert guidance on how to best implement and apply the foreseen measures and strategies in your country.

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