Europäisches Beihilfenrecht
Workshop |
20.04.2022 - 22.04.2022 |
Berlin |
Sprache: Englisch

EStALI Workshop – Foreign Subsidies Regulation and new GBER Guidelines

EStALI Workshop - Foreign Subsidies Regulation and new GBER Guidelines - Pictures Events 202314

The intensive workshop on the first day takes place under the chair of Michael Schütte and will give participants a profound insight into currently debated State aid issues. The focus will be on two specific topics, which will be explored and discussed in a small group, thus giving sufficient room for interaction, lively debates and your individual questions. Chatham House rules will apply.

Starting from € 1500,- (excl. VAT)


Falls Sie Fragen zu unseren vergangenen oder zukünftigen Veranstaltungen haben sollten, kontaktieren Sie uns unter [email protected].


Who should participate?

  • Private legal practitioners
  • Representatives from public authorities on national, regional and local level
  • Representatives from public and private banks
  • Industry representatives and in-house counsels dealing with State aid law
  • Economists
  • Academics

Benefits of Attending

  • Join the leading State aid Community to discuss latest developments in European State aid control with acknowledged practitioners
  • Participate in various expert panel discussions 
  • Q&A sessions via a conference app
  • Meet leading experts from the European Commission, EU Courts, national authorities, private legal practitioners, academics and industry representatives

Course Material – No need to miss anything!

If you are unable to attend the course you may want to order all the presentations shown during the event. The price is € 199,- (excl. of VAT) for both days. If interested, please contact Laura Gardes.

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