Prof. Dr. Martin Holle - Holle Martin

Prof. Dr. Martin Holle

Food Law and Administrative Law at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), Hamburg

Dr. Martin Holle is Professor of Food Law and Administrative Law at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. He graduated in 1997 (University of Mainz, Germany). Martin received his PhD (doctor iuris) from Mainz University with a thesis on constitutional aspects of food regulation. He held positions as a Legal Counsel at Unilever Germany, as a Regulatory Adviser at Unilever N.V. in the Netherlands and as General Counsel, Foods at Unilever PLC, London, advising on all matters of Food and Advertising Law. In July 2013 he was appointed professor at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. He is guest lecturer at the Europa Institute of the University of Zurich and at Michigan State University.


Martin is member of the German Food Code Commission, the Advisory Board of the German Scientific Association for Food Law (WGfL) and co-editor / co-author of legal guidebooks on Food Labelling, Nutrition and Health Claims and Origin Labelling.