Announcement of Winner of CoRe Blog Competition

Announcement of Winner of CoRe Blog Competition - CoReBlog Gewinner

The CoRe Blog Team Congratulates Alexandru Sotropa

To mark the occasion of our CoRe Blog Launch in March, we ran a social media competition offering the price of a special subscription to the quarterly journal CoRe – European Competition and Regulatory Law Review worth €205.

We are delighted to announce the winner today: Alexandru Sotropa. Enjoy reading your free copies of the journal, we hope you find them useful for your work or research.

The CoRe Blog Team thanks all those who entered, we very much appreciate your engagement and we look forward to working with you to establish the Core Blog as a space where the competition law community comes together to discuss and analyse the latest developments.

If you would like to write a guest post on the blog, please contact our Editorial Team!



Lexxion Publisher

Established in 2002, Lexxion offers professional journals, books, and events closely related to legal practice. Lexxion’s products cover topics such as Competition law, State aid law, Public Procurement, Public-Private Partnerships, EU Funds, Food Law, Chemical law and Climate Law at the European level. In 2013 we have launched the State Aid Uncovered blog as a Lexxion imprint, in 2018 the CoRe Blog followed.

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