UK Subsidy Control Blog

UK Subsidy Control Insider

The UK Subsidy Control Insider (UKSCI) is an invaluable resource for those seeking insights into the evolving landscape of subsidy regulations in the United Kingdom. Since the enactment of the Subsidy Control Act 2022, there have been notable alterations to the manner in which public authorities administer subsidies, diverging from the previous EU State aid rules. This blog examines whether the reforms have delivered on their promises of efficiency and economic benefit, and analyses ongoing debates on potential amendments to prioritise considerations such as value for money and environmental impact.

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Kieran McGaughey
Consultant Solicitor, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Jamie Dunne
Senior Associate, Brodies LLP Solicitors
George Peretz KC BL
Monckton Chambers, UK
Schellion J. Horn
Partner and Economic Consulting, Grant Thornton UK, London, United Kingdom
Hana Hammouda
Senior Manager and Economic Consultant, Grant Thornton UK, London, United Kingdom
Alexander Rose
Partner, DWF Law, Newcastle
Sattam Al-Mugheiry
Joanne Clement KC
KC at @11KBW, London, United Kingdom
Sir Marcus Smith
President of the Competition Appeal Tribunal
Charlotte McLean
Angelica Hymers
Senior Associate, Browne Jacobson LLP
Alex Kynoch
Partner, Browne Jacobson LLP
Hana Hammouda
Senior Manager, Grant Thornton UK LLP
Jamie Dunne
Senior Associate, Brodies LLP Solicitors
Jonathan Branton

Partner // Head of Government & Public Sector, DWF in Leeds

Jonathan is Head of EU/Competition at DWF and also leads the Government & Public Sector group.

Behind the UK Subsidy Control Insider you find our expert team of editors:

George Peretz KC BL
Monckton Chambers, UK
Alexander Rose
Partner, DWF Law, Newcastle
Andrea Biondi
Advocate General for Italy, Court of Justice of the European Union; Professor, Director of the Centre of European Law, King’s College, London
Joanne Clement KC
KC at @11KBW, London, United Kingdom
Angus Johnston
Professor, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
Alex Eaton
DWF Law, Manchester, United Kingdom
Schellion J. Horn
Partner and Economic Consulting, Grant Thornton UK, London, United Kingdom
Hana Hammouda
Senior Manager and Economic Consultant, Grant Thornton UK, London, United Kingdom
Kieran McGaughey
Consultant Solicitor, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Sattam Al-Mugheiry

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