UK Subsidy Control
UK Subsidy Control Insider
The UK Subsidy Control Insider (UKSCI) is an invaluable resource for those seeking insights into the evolving landscape of subsidy regulations in the United Kingdom. Since the enactment of the Subsidy Control Act 2022, there have been notable alterations to the manner in which public authorities administer subsidies, diverging from the previous EU State aid rules. This blog examines whether the reforms have delivered on their promises of efficiency and economic benefit, and analyses ongoing debates on potential amendments to prioritise considerations such as value for money and environmental impact.
- Subsidy Control ×
20. December 2023 |
by Sir Marcus Smith and Charlotte McLean
Introduction Although the subsidy control jurisdiction has been ‘live’ since January 2023, only one application has been issued under the Subsidy Control Act 2022, Durham Company Limited v Durham County Council, which was determined by a judgment dated 27 July 2023.2 There are no other applications pending before the Competition Appeal Tribunal at the time of writing (October 2023). Given […]
19. December 2023 |
by Joanne Clement KC
Readers will be aware that there have been two subsidy control cases before the Courts this year. The Divisional Court gave judgment in the Bulb litigation (R (British Gas Trading Ltd and others) v Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero [2023] EWHC 737 (Admin)) on 31 March 2023. My analysis of that decision, and its implications for […]
19. December 2023 |
by Hana Hammouda and Schellion J. Horn
Introduction The UK subsidy control regime is a nascent policy area for public authorities to understand. The regime places obligations on public authorities to assess a subsidy or subsidy scheme to ensure that it is compliant with the subsidy control principles and other requirements. The Statutory Guidance explains the subsidy control principles and provides a four-part assessment framework to support […]
19. December 2023 |
by Sattam Al-Mugheiry and Alexander Rose
In July 2023, the European Union introduced a new competition law regime called the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR) to address a longstanding regulatory gap. Whilst subsidies awarded by EU and EFTA Member States are tightly regulated on an ex-ante basis under EU State aid law,1 this is not the case for subsidies awarded by other countries. Indeed, it is […]
26. September 2023 |
by Schellion J. Horn and Hana Hammouda
On 30 June 2023, the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) published amendments to the Statutory Guidance for the UK’s Subsidy Control Regime, 2 providing further guidance on how to determine the value of a subsidy by calculating its Gross Cash Amount (GCA) or Gross Cash Equivalent Amount (GCE). Calculating the value of a subsidy is necessary to comply with […]
26. September 2023 |
by George Peretz KC BL
At the end of July, the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) handed down judgment in The Durham Company v Durham CC,1 its first (and so far only) judicial review application under the Subsidy Control Act 2022 (SCA22). The question decided: was there a subsidy decision? The only issue on the application was whether there was a subsidy decision at all: Durham […]
26. September 2023 |
by Kieran McGaughey
Introduction The implementation of the UK’s subsidy control regime has brought a number of new concepts for public authorities to grapple with. Amongst those changes are two new categories of subsidy: Subsidies or Schemes of Interest (SSoI), and Subsidies or Schemes of Particular Interest (SSoPI). The statutory guidance describes these as “subsidies which potentially pose a substantial risk of negative […]
28. August 2023 |
UKSCI Announcements
by Nelly Stratieva
We are proud to announce the creation of a new, free, bi-monthly newsletter that will report on the latest developments in UK Subsidy Control Law. Every edition of the Subsidy Control Insider will offer 2-4 concise articles. Get a quick but essential update on the main issues relating to Subsidy Control. The first issue of the SCI will be sent […]
Kieran McGaughey
Consultant Solicitor, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Jamie Dunne
Senior Associate, Brodies LLP Solicitors

George Peretz KC BL
Monckton Chambers, UK
Schellion J. Horn
Partner and Economic Consulting, Grant Thornton UK, London, United Kingdom
Hana Hammouda
Senior Manager and Economic Consultant, Grant Thornton UK, London, United Kingdom

Alexander Rose
Partner, DWF Law, Newcastle

Sattam Al-Mugheiry

Joanne Clement KC
KC at @11KBW, London, United Kingdom
Sir Marcus Smith
President of the Competition Appeal Tribunal
Charlotte McLean

Angelica Hymers
Senior Associate, Browne Jacobson LLP
Alex Kynoch
Partner, Browne Jacobson LLP

Hana Hammouda
Senior Manager, Grant Thornton UK LLP
Jamie Dunne
Senior Associate, Brodies LLP Solicitors
Jonathan Branton
Partner // Head of Government & Public Sector, DWF in Leeds
Jonathan is Head of EU/Competition at DWF and also leads the Government & Public Sector group.
Behind the UK Subsidy Control Insider you find our expert team of editors:

George Peretz KC BL
Monckton Chambers, UK

Alexander Rose
Partner, DWF Law, Newcastle

Andrea Biondi
Advocate General for Italy, Court of Justice of the European Union; Professor, Director of the Centre of European Law, King’s College, London

Joanne Clement KC
KC at @11KBW, London, United Kingdom
Angus Johnston
Professor, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

Alex Eaton
DWF Law, Manchester, United Kingdom
Schellion J. Horn
Partner and Economic Consulting, Grant Thornton UK, London, United Kingdom
Hana Hammouda
Senior Manager and Economic Consultant, Grant Thornton UK, London, United Kingdom
Kieran McGaughey
Consultant Solicitor, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Sattam Al-Mugheiry