Europäisches Beihilfenrecht Blog

State Aid Uncovered Blog

In Lexxions Blog „State Aid Uncovered” veröffentlicht Prof. Phedon Nicolaides wöchentlich kritische Analysen zu den neuesten Urteilen und Entscheidungen zu staatlichen Beihilfen. Jeder Beitrag stellt die wichtigsten Punkte eines Gerichtsurteils oder einer EU-Kommissionsentscheidung vor, ordnet sie in den Kontext ähnlicher Rechtsprechung oder Praxis ein, bewertet die zugrundeliegende Argumentation und zeigt etwaige Ungereimtheiten oder Widersprüche auf.

In loser Folge werden auf diesem Blog auch Gastbeiträge von anderen Experten für staatliche Beihilfen veröffentlicht, welche die Inhalte der Blogbeiträge ergänzen.

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Professor at Maastricht University; Professor at University of Nicosia, and Academic Director at Lexxion Training


Cross-border Cumulation of State Aid

Introduction Compliance with the rules on the cumulation of State aid can be tricky for several reasons. First, all aid granted by all public authorities for the same project needs to be taken into account. Second, this requires identification of the relevant eligible costs, as the same undertaking may legally receive multiple awards of aid for different projects whose eligible […]

The Cumulation of State Aid Granted by Different Member States — The Landwärme Case

Guest State Aid Blog by Professor Leigh Hancher, Nicole Robins and Dr Philipp Schliffke[1] 1 Introduction The Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001 (‘RED II’) states that ‘the promotion of the production and use of biomethane, its injection into a natural gas grid and cross-border trade create a need to ensure proper accounting of renewable energy as well as avoiding double incentives […]

Electricity Produced from High-Efficiency Combined Heat & Power Plants

News: The Commission has approved a draft block exemption regulation declaring certain categories of aid in the rail, inland waterways and multimodal transport sector compatible with the internal market on the basis of Article 93. The draft regulation can be accessed at: Introduction The EU’s Energy Efficiency Directive [EED] [Directive 2012/27, as last amended in 2023 by Directive 2023/1791] […]

Decarbonisation of Steel Production

Introduction Many, perhaps the majority, of notifications on the basis of the Guidelines on Climate, Environmental Protection and Energy [CEEAG] concern decarbonisation of production processes. In this context, large amounts of State aid have been funnelled to the decarbonisation of steel production. ArcelorMittal has been a major beneficiary. In February 2023, Spain granted EUR 460 million to support ArcelorMittal to […]

Support for the Decarbonisation of the Electricity Sector through Storage Capacity

State Aid Blogs - Untitled design 1
Introduction Romania notified a scheme to support investment in large-scale electricity storage. The Commission approved it in decision SA.102761.[1] The scheme was part of the national Recovery and Resilience Plan [RRP] of Romania and was co-financed by the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility. By supporting investment in electricity storage, Romania aimed to reduce carbon emissions generated by the energy sector, […]


Cross-border Cumulation of State Aid

Introduction Compliance with the rules on the cumulation of State aid can be tricky for several reasons. First, all aid granted by all public authorities for the same project needs to be taken into account. Second, this requires identification of the relevant eligible costs, as the same undertaking may legally receive multiple awards of aid for different projects whose eligible […]

The Cumulation of State Aid Granted by Different Member States — The Landwärme Case

Guest State Aid Blog by Professor Leigh Hancher, Nicole Robins and Dr Philipp Schliffke[1] 1 Introduction The Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001 (‘RED II’) states that ‘the promotion of the production and use of biomethane, its injection into a natural gas grid and cross-border trade create a need to ensure proper accounting of renewable energy as well as avoiding double incentives […]

Electricity Produced from High-Efficiency Combined Heat & Power Plants

News: The Commission has approved a draft block exemption regulation declaring certain categories of aid in the rail, inland waterways and multimodal transport sector compatible with the internal market on the basis of Article 93. The draft regulation can be accessed at: Introduction The EU’s Energy Efficiency Directive [EED] [Directive 2012/27, as last amended in 2023 by Directive 2023/1791] […]

Decarbonisation of Steel Production

Introduction Many, perhaps the majority, of notifications on the basis of the Guidelines on Climate, Environmental Protection and Energy [CEEAG] concern decarbonisation of production processes. In this context, large amounts of State aid have been funnelled to the decarbonisation of steel production. ArcelorMittal has been a major beneficiary. In February 2023, Spain granted EUR 460 million to support ArcelorMittal to […]

Support for the Decarbonisation of the Electricity Sector through Storage Capacity

State Aid Blogs - Untitled design 1
Introduction Romania notified a scheme to support investment in large-scale electricity storage. The Commission approved it in decision SA.102761.[1] The scheme was part of the national Recovery and Resilience Plan [RRP] of Romania and was co-financed by the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility. By supporting investment in electricity storage, Romania aimed to reduce carbon emissions generated by the energy sector, […]


Cross-border Cumulation of State Aid

Introduction Compliance with the rules on the cumulation of State aid can be tricky for several reasons. First, all aid granted by all public authorities for the same project needs to be taken into account. Second, this requires identification of the relevant eligible costs, as the same undertaking may legally receive multiple awards of aid for different projects whose eligible […]

The Cumulation of State Aid Granted by Different Member States — The Landwärme Case

Guest State Aid Blog by Professor Leigh Hancher, Nicole Robins and Dr Philipp Schliffke[1] 1 Introduction The Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001 (‘RED II’) states that ‘the promotion of the production and use of biomethane, its injection into a natural gas grid and cross-border trade create a need to ensure proper accounting of renewable energy as well as avoiding double incentives […]

Electricity Produced from High-Efficiency Combined Heat & Power Plants

News: The Commission has approved a draft block exemption regulation declaring certain categories of aid in the rail, inland waterways and multimodal transport sector compatible with the internal market on the basis of Article 93. The draft regulation can be accessed at: Introduction The EU’s Energy Efficiency Directive [EED] [Directive 2012/27, as last amended in 2023 by Directive 2023/1791] […]

Decarbonisation of Steel Production

Introduction Many, perhaps the majority, of notifications on the basis of the Guidelines on Climate, Environmental Protection and Energy [CEEAG] concern decarbonisation of production processes. In this context, large amounts of State aid have been funnelled to the decarbonisation of steel production. ArcelorMittal has been a major beneficiary. In February 2023, Spain granted EUR 460 million to support ArcelorMittal to […]

Support for the Decarbonisation of the Electricity Sector through Storage Capacity

State Aid Blogs - Untitled design 1
Introduction Romania notified a scheme to support investment in large-scale electricity storage. The Commission approved it in decision SA.102761.[1] The scheme was part of the national Recovery and Resilience Plan [RRP] of Romania and was co-financed by the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility. By supporting investment in electricity storage, Romania aimed to reduce carbon emissions generated by the energy sector, […]

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