- Publication frequency bimonthly
- approx. 80 pages
- ISSN 1862-2720
- eISSN 2190-8214
- Language: English
EFFL – European Food and Feed Law Review
EFFL 6/2024 Out Now
Issue 6/2024 of the European Food and Feed Law Review is now available online!
This issue includes the following articles:
- Strengthening Domestic Regulatory Agencies in an Era of Global Public Health Influencers: Experiences in the United States of America by Mara M. Burr
- Precautionary Labelling of Alcohol: A Matter To Be Assessed by Vito Rubino
- Critical National Infrastructure: Legal Framework Governing Production and Distribution of Foodstuffs in Slovakia by Renáta Pakšiová and Jan Klouda
- Local Food Protection to Achieve Food Security by Nadia Astriani, Laina Rafianti, Betty Rubiati, Firman Hadi Suparna and Julia Elviyana
This issue’s reports section includes reflections on energy drink restrictions in the Czech Republic; corporate sustainability due diligence in Germany; land protection for food security in Sweden; and updates from Switzerland on wine labelling and maté marketing.
View all articles from the latest issue of EFFL here.
Interested in writing for the European Food and Feed Law Review? View our call for papers and guidelines for authors!