Top 3 State Aid Blog Posts from 2015


From Amazon’s ‘advance pricing agreement’ over State aid to the Hungarian electricity market to Black Cabs’ exclusive rights in London, our guest bloggers on the StateAidHub have shed light on various controversial State aid judgments and developments. View now the most popular posts of 2015.


As 2015 and therefore the StateAidHub’s first year draws to a close, we thank not only Prof Phedon Nicolaides for his continuous excellent contributions, but we also wish to express our thanks to our guest bloggers who have submitted more than 25 blog posts to our State aid blog section. We are delighted to announce the top 3 bloggers that attracted most of our readership: Dimitrios Kyriazis, Dr Richard Craven and Prof Erika Szyszczak.

  1. Luxembourg, Amazon, and the State aid connection
    by Dimitrios Kyriazis (University of Oxford), 01.2015
  2. State aid to football clubs in Croatia?
    by Dr Richard Craven (Northumbria Law School), 16.02.2015
  3. Black Cabs in London Retain ‘Exclusive’ Rights to Drive in Bus Lanes
    by Prof. Erika Szyszczak (University of Sussex & Littleton Chambers, London), 27.01.2015


Enjoy reading! The StateAidHub team remains with best regards wishing you happy holidays and a prosperous New Year 2016!

If you too would like to blog on the StateAidHub, do not hesitate to contact us. Send an email to [email protected].

[Photo by tlc from]

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