Europäisches Beihilfenrecht Blog

State Aid Uncovered Blog

In Lexxions Blog „State Aid Uncovered” veröffentlicht Prof. Phedon Nicolaides wöchentlich kritische Analysen zu den neuesten Urteilen und Entscheidungen zu staatlichen Beihilfen. Jeder Beitrag stellt die wichtigsten Punkte eines Gerichtsurteils oder einer EU-Kommissionsentscheidung vor, ordnet sie in den Kontext ähnlicher Rechtsprechung oder Praxis ein, bewertet die zugrundeliegende Argumentation und zeigt etwaige Ungereimtheiten oder Widersprüche auf.

In loser Folge werden auf diesem Blog auch Gastbeiträge von anderen Experten für staatliche Beihilfen veröffentlicht, welche die Inhalte der Blogbeiträge ergänzen.

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Professor at Maastricht University; Professor at University of Nicosia, and Academic Director at Lexxion Training

Incentive Effect of State Aid to a Large Investment Project

Introduction The Commission pays particular attention to the incentive effect of aid to large projects that are undertaken by international companies which, by definition, are mobile and can choose from many different locations where to establish their operations. Not only must the aid recipient prove, on the basis of credible evidence, that without the aid the investment would not be […]

A Large Investment Project that is Partly Funded Directly by the EU

Introduction In July 2024, the Commission published its decision on State aid measure SA.104269 concerning a large investment project [LIP] undertaken by 3Sun in Italy. 3Sun is a subsidiary of Enel, the Italian energy company that is also one of the largest energy companies in Europe. The project would take place in Catania, a city in the NUTS 2 region […]

The Existence of State Aid Must Be Proven on the Basis of Credible Evidence

Introduction This article reviews two cases in which courts found that it had not been proven that all of the criteria of Article 107(1) TFEU had been satisfied. Case I: Not being able to prove that the measure is attributed to a decision of the state With decision 2024/2033, published in OJ L, 29 July 2024, the Commission corrected its […]

State Aid Measures May not Infringe EU Law outside the Field of State Aid

Introduction In December 2020, the Commission approved State aid scheme SA.59029 by which Italy compensated airlines for damage they had suffered as a result of covid-19-related restrictions, in the period from 1 March to 15 June 2020. Eligible airlines were only those that were licensed in Italy. The aid was approved on the basis of Article 107(2)(b) TFEU. In May […]

Electricity Produced from High-Efficiency Combined Heat & Power Plants

News: The Commission has approved a draft block exemption regulation declaring certain categories of aid in the rail, inland waterways and multimodal transport sector compatible with the internal market on the basis of Article 93. The draft regulation can be accessed at: Introduction The EU’s Energy Efficiency Directive [EED] [Directive 2012/27, as last amended in 2023 by Directive 2023/1791] […]

Compliance with EU State Aid Rules

On 8 July 2024, the European Court of Auditors published its Overview of the Assurance Framework and the Key Factors Contributing to Errors in 2014-2020 Cohesion Spending, (Review 3, 2024) The main findings of the ECA concerning compliance with State aid rules can be summarised in the following two tables. 1) Most frequent errors [2018-22] (% of all errors) and […]

Repayment of Incompatible State Aid Is Inescapable

Introduction Companies may pay taxes in several Member States of the EU or in third countries. This fact by itself has no bearing in an assessment of whether preferential tax treatment in a Member State may constitute State aid. However, it becomes relevant when incompatible aid is to be recovered and the granting Member State has to determine the amount […]

The Commission May Authorise a Public Measure only if it Constitutes State Aid

Introduction Sometimes the Commission is uncertain whether a public measure constitutes State aid. Nonetheless, it decides not raise objections on the grounds that if the measure constituted State aid, it would be compatible with the internal market. One can understand why the Commission follows this approach. If it is not sure whether a measure falls outside the scope of Article […]

Green Energy Certificates

Introduction Certificates that confirm that an undertaking has bought a certain amount of electricity from renewable sources do not normally involve State aid because they are not traded. However, when they are tradeable and are granted by a public authority for free or for a fee that falls below their market value, they normally involve State aid as they confer […]

Aid Measures with Limited Beneficiaries

Introduction During the covid-19 pandemic Member States granted State aid to undertakings they considered important for their economies or for maintaining their connectivity with the rest of the world. Ryanair appealed against multiple Commission decisions authorising that aid. Ryanair succeeded in some of its challenges on technical issues. It lost all other cases on issues of principle. On 6 June […]

A Large Investment Project that is Partly Funded Directly by the EU

Introduction In July 2024, the Commission published its decision on State aid measure SA.104269 concerning a large investment project [LIP] undertaken by 3Sun in Italy. 3Sun is a subsidiary of Enel, the Italian energy company that is also one of the largest energy companies in Europe. The project would take place in Catania, a city in the NUTS 2 region […]

The Existence of State Aid Must Be Proven on the Basis of Credible Evidence

Introduction This article reviews two cases in which courts found that it had not been proven that all of the criteria of Article 107(1) TFEU had been satisfied. Case I: Not being able to prove that the measure is attributed to a decision of the state With decision 2024/2033, published in OJ L, 29 July 2024, the Commission corrected its […]

State Aid Measures May not Infringe EU Law outside the Field of State Aid

Introduction In December 2020, the Commission approved State aid scheme SA.59029 by which Italy compensated airlines for damage they had suffered as a result of covid-19-related restrictions, in the period from 1 March to 15 June 2020. Eligible airlines were only those that were licensed in Italy. The aid was approved on the basis of Article 107(2)(b) TFEU. In May […]

Electricity Produced from High-Efficiency Combined Heat & Power Plants

News: The Commission has approved a draft block exemption regulation declaring certain categories of aid in the rail, inland waterways and multimodal transport sector compatible with the internal market on the basis of Article 93. The draft regulation can be accessed at: Introduction The EU’s Energy Efficiency Directive [EED] [Directive 2012/27, as last amended in 2023 by Directive 2023/1791] […]

Compliance with EU State Aid Rules

On 8 July 2024, the European Court of Auditors published its Overview of the Assurance Framework and the Key Factors Contributing to Errors in 2014-2020 Cohesion Spending, (Review 3, 2024) The main findings of the ECA concerning compliance with State aid rules can be summarised in the following two tables. 1) Most frequent errors [2018-22] (% of all errors) and […]

Repayment of Incompatible State Aid Is Inescapable

Introduction Companies may pay taxes in several Member States of the EU or in third countries. This fact by itself has no bearing in an assessment of whether preferential tax treatment in a Member State may constitute State aid. However, it becomes relevant when incompatible aid is to be recovered and the granting Member State has to determine the amount […]

The Commission May Authorise a Public Measure only if it Constitutes State Aid

Introduction Sometimes the Commission is uncertain whether a public measure constitutes State aid. Nonetheless, it decides not raise objections on the grounds that if the measure constituted State aid, it would be compatible with the internal market. One can understand why the Commission follows this approach. If it is not sure whether a measure falls outside the scope of Article […]

Green Energy Certificates

Introduction Certificates that confirm that an undertaking has bought a certain amount of electricity from renewable sources do not normally involve State aid because they are not traded. However, when they are tradeable and are granted by a public authority for free or for a fee that falls below their market value, they normally involve State aid as they confer […]

Obligations Imposed by the State Cannot Justify Tax Exemptions

Introduction Over the past decade or so, the European Commission has found that multiple port operators have benefitted from State aid in the form of tax exemptions. This aid was in all cases found to be incompatible with the internal market, despite the claims of the port operators that the state had imposed on the public service obligations or that […]

Member States May Grant State Aid to Single Beneficiaries

Introduction The European Court of Justice confirmed, once more, on 30 May 2024, in case C-353/21 P, Ryanair v Commission, that Member States do not have to grant State aid to all undertakings that may be affected by a serious economic disturbance such as a pandemic.2 This is because Member States do not have unlimited resources and because they may […]

When State Aid Gets Political

We are happy to receive a guest comment on the EU – UK post-Brexit trade negotiations from Professor Emerita, Erika Szyszczak, who is a Fellow of UKTPO at the University of Sussex. This is a longer version of an earlier Blog published on the UKTPO website. Control over State aid is a stumbling block for the future of an EU […]

Belgium and COVID-19: The European Commission Approves Several Belgian State Aid Measures

We are happy to share with you an update on the Covid-19 measures that have been approved in Belgium. Our guest auhor Wout De Cock is a PhD candidate at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and part-time teaching assistant at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.* Introduction In issue 1/2020 of the European State Aid Law Quarterly, we concluded that the European Commission […]

COVID-19 Measures Adopted and State Aid Measures (Hopefully) to Be Adopted: An Update from Cyprus

We are happy to share with you an update on the Covid-19 measures that are or will be adopted in Cyprus. Our guest auhor Michail Kamperis is a lawyer and partner at the law firm of Ierotheou, Kamperis & Co. LLC Nicosia, Cyprus. * Sign up for our free news alert  Sign Up For Free   Cyprus is one of […]

Follow Up Webinar with Phedon Nicolaides on ‚COVID-19 and State Aid Law‘ on 20 April

The European Commission is working on quickly adapting the existing State aid legal framework to address the current Covid-19 pandemic. Join us on 20th April from the comfort and safety of your (home) office to get an insider update on the Covid-19 response by State aid experts from the European Commission and national governments. ✓ Join from wherever you are – […]

Open Access Content Related to Covid-19: At a Glance

During these tough times, Lexxion Publisher wants to help to spread current news and updates on new regulations or support measures for combating the impact of the corona pandemic. Various contributions will be available as open access during the upcoming weeks. This post lists all contributions and will be updated on a rolling basis. Contributions related to State Aid & […]

Covid-19 Support Package for Entrepreneurs: An Update from Poland

We are happy to share with you an update on the Covid-19 support package that Poland is creating to support entrepeneurs fighting the impact of the corona pandemic. Our guest auhor P. Kamil Rosiak is Attorney-at-Law & Partner Associate at KPMG D.Dobkowski LP in Warsaw.* On 28 March 2020 the lower house of Polish parliament (Sejm) passed a bill (so […]

Live Webinar: Covid-19 & State Aid Law in the UK Now

Lexxion has created another new live webinar to keep you updated on current developments of Covid-19 and State aid law in the UK after Brexit. Leading State aid experts Jonathan Branton, George Peretz QC and Alexander Rose will work through the current EU State aid rules and answer your questions.   ✓ Join from wherever you are – high-quality content at […]

Join our live webinar with Phedon Nicolaides on ‚COVID-19 and State Aid Law‘ on 2 April

Due to global developments and responding to various requests, Lexxion has created a live webinar to keep you updated on the latest news regarding the corona virus and State aid law. You can join from wherever you are and receive high-quality content at your (home) office.   In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, EU Member States are urgently rolling out […]

Court’s Diary – January 2018

Find below the court’s diary for all State aid cases this month. Would you like to write a comment on one of them? Please don’t hesitate and get in touch with us ([email protected]), we are happy to publish your comment on the blog.   Tuesday 16/01/2018 Judgment in case T-747/15 – EDF v Commission (General Court – Third Chamber) Wednesday 17/01/2018 Judgment […]

15th Jubilee Feature – State Aid Experts Paying Court to EStAL: Alexander Rose

Since 2002 Lexxion Publisher’s European State Aid Law Quarterly – EStAL serves as a forum for dialogue and deliberation on all issues related to State aid. On the occasion of our 15th anniversary special feature we have gathered our State aid family to reflect upon their joint journey together with our precious EStAL and of course our favourite topic State […]

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