Europäisches Beihilfenrecht Blog

State Aid Uncovered Blog

In Lexxions Blog „State Aid Uncovered” veröffentlicht Prof. Phedon Nicolaides wöchentlich kritische Analysen zu den neuesten Urteilen und Entscheidungen zu staatlichen Beihilfen. Jeder Beitrag stellt die wichtigsten Punkte eines Gerichtsurteils oder einer EU-Kommissionsentscheidung vor, ordnet sie in den Kontext ähnlicher Rechtsprechung oder Praxis ein, bewertet die zugrundeliegende Argumentation und zeigt etwaige Ungereimtheiten oder Widersprüche auf.

In loser Folge werden auf diesem Blog auch Gastbeiträge von anderen Experten für staatliche Beihilfen veröffentlicht, welche die Inhalte der Blogbeiträge ergänzen.

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Professor at Maastricht University; Professor at University of Nicosia, and Academic Director at Lexxion Training

State Aid Uncovered ×

Compensation for Switching to a New Broadcasting Frequency

Introduction Normally the cost of compliance with mandatory regulations may not be offset, partially or fully, by State aid because it lacks incentive effect. The beneficiaries would have to incur those costs anyway. However, even in the case of mandatory compliance, State aid may still have an incentive effect if the undertakings concerned would cease altogether the activity in question. […]

Authorisation of State Aid after the Start of a Project

Introduction In June 2021, the European Commission, in decision SA.55526, approved an amount of EUR 167 million of State aid for the construction and operation of a liquefied natural gas [LNG] terminal close to Alexandroupolis in northern Greece. In December 2022, Greece notified a measure involving additional State aid of EUR 106 million for the same project. The Commission authorised […]

Restructuring State Aid

Introduction State aid to failing undertakings is the most distortionary form of public subsidies. They prevent the market exit of inefficient companies. For this reason, State aid for rescue or restructuring of undertakings in difficulty must always be notified to the Commission which examines each case very carefully and allows this kind of aid only when, among other things, the […]

A Large Regional Investment Project in Spain

Introduction Most State aid to “large” investment projects is granted by the Member States in Central and Eastern Europe. Moreover, most of the aid goes to induce companies to locate their projects in those countries and to overcome regional handicaps that make the investments less profitable or even loss-making than in other locations. By contrast, regional aid granted to large […]

Start of Works

Introduction Perhaps the most important criterion for the compatibility of State aid with the internal market is the incentive effect. This means that State aid is capable of changing the behaviour of the recipient undertaking. State aid is normally considered not to have an incentive effect when the recipient undertaking is already committed to launch a project or has already […]

Profitability as a Criterion of the Compatibility of State Aid with the Internal Market

Introduction When the state has a realistic prospect of making profit, its financial transactions with third parties do not constitute State aid. The absence of profit is a strong indicator of the presence of State aid but not necessarily its compatibility with the internal market. For State aid to be compatible with the internal market it must, among other things, […]

State Aid May Have an Incentive Effect Even After the Start of Work: But Would it Favour Inefficient Operators?

Introduction Perhaps the most important aspect of the compatibility of State aid with the internal market is the presence of incentive effect. That is, the aid is capable of changing the behaviour of the recipient. If it does not, then public money is wasted because it has no effect on what happens on the market anyway. In principle, in order […]

Draft Regional Aid Guidelines: Simpler and Clearer

Update on Temporary Framework: Number of approved and published covid-19 measures, as of 31 July 2020: 235* Legal basis: Article 107(2)(b): 24; Article 107(3)(b): 198; Article 107(3)(c): 18 Five Member States have implemented 13 or more covid-19 measures each: Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy & Poland. – Average number of measures per Member State: 8.3 – Median number of measures per […]

State Aid Uncovered ×

Compensation for Switching to a New Broadcasting Frequency

Introduction Normally the cost of compliance with mandatory regulations may not be offset, partially or fully, by State aid because it lacks incentive effect. The beneficiaries would have to incur those costs anyway. However, even in the case of mandatory compliance, State aid may still have an incentive effect if the undertakings concerned would cease altogether the activity in question. […]

Authorisation of State Aid after the Start of a Project

Introduction In June 2021, the European Commission, in decision SA.55526, approved an amount of EUR 167 million of State aid for the construction and operation of a liquefied natural gas [LNG] terminal close to Alexandroupolis in northern Greece. In December 2022, Greece notified a measure involving additional State aid of EUR 106 million for the same project. The Commission authorised […]

Restructuring State Aid

Introduction State aid to failing undertakings is the most distortionary form of public subsidies. They prevent the market exit of inefficient companies. For this reason, State aid for rescue or restructuring of undertakings in difficulty must always be notified to the Commission which examines each case very carefully and allows this kind of aid only when, among other things, the […]

A Large Regional Investment Project in Spain

Introduction Most State aid to “large” investment projects is granted by the Member States in Central and Eastern Europe. Moreover, most of the aid goes to induce companies to locate their projects in those countries and to overcome regional handicaps that make the investments less profitable or even loss-making than in other locations. By contrast, regional aid granted to large […]

Start of Works

Introduction Perhaps the most important criterion for the compatibility of State aid with the internal market is the incentive effect. This means that State aid is capable of changing the behaviour of the recipient undertaking. State aid is normally considered not to have an incentive effect when the recipient undertaking is already committed to launch a project or has already […]

Profitability as a Criterion of the Compatibility of State Aid with the Internal Market

Introduction When the state has a realistic prospect of making profit, its financial transactions with third parties do not constitute State aid. The absence of profit is a strong indicator of the presence of State aid but not necessarily its compatibility with the internal market. For State aid to be compatible with the internal market it must, among other things, […]

State Aid May Have an Incentive Effect Even After the Start of Work: But Would it Favour Inefficient Operators?

Introduction Perhaps the most important aspect of the compatibility of State aid with the internal market is the presence of incentive effect. That is, the aid is capable of changing the behaviour of the recipient. If it does not, then public money is wasted because it has no effect on what happens on the market anyway. In principle, in order […]

Draft Regional Aid Guidelines: Simpler and Clearer

Update on Temporary Framework: Number of approved and published covid-19 measures, as of 31 July 2020: 235* Legal basis: Article 107(2)(b): 24; Article 107(3)(b): 198; Article 107(3)(c): 18 Five Member States have implemented 13 or more covid-19 measures each: Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy & Poland. – Average number of measures per Member State: 8.3 – Median number of measures per […]

State Aid Uncovered ×

Compensation for Switching to a New Broadcasting Frequency

Introduction Normally the cost of compliance with mandatory regulations may not be offset, partially or fully, by State aid because it lacks incentive effect. The beneficiaries would have to incur those costs anyway. However, even in the case of mandatory compliance, State aid may still have an incentive effect if the undertakings concerned would cease altogether the activity in question. […]

Authorisation of State Aid after the Start of a Project

Introduction In June 2021, the European Commission, in decision SA.55526, approved an amount of EUR 167 million of State aid for the construction and operation of a liquefied natural gas [LNG] terminal close to Alexandroupolis in northern Greece. In December 2022, Greece notified a measure involving additional State aid of EUR 106 million for the same project. The Commission authorised […]

Restructuring State Aid

Introduction State aid to failing undertakings is the most distortionary form of public subsidies. They prevent the market exit of inefficient companies. For this reason, State aid for rescue or restructuring of undertakings in difficulty must always be notified to the Commission which examines each case very carefully and allows this kind of aid only when, among other things, the […]

A Large Regional Investment Project in Spain

Introduction Most State aid to “large” investment projects is granted by the Member States in Central and Eastern Europe. Moreover, most of the aid goes to induce companies to locate their projects in those countries and to overcome regional handicaps that make the investments less profitable or even loss-making than in other locations. By contrast, regional aid granted to large […]

Start of Works

Introduction Perhaps the most important criterion for the compatibility of State aid with the internal market is the incentive effect. This means that State aid is capable of changing the behaviour of the recipient undertaking. State aid is normally considered not to have an incentive effect when the recipient undertaking is already committed to launch a project or has already […]

Profitability as a Criterion of the Compatibility of State Aid with the Internal Market

Introduction When the state has a realistic prospect of making profit, its financial transactions with third parties do not constitute State aid. The absence of profit is a strong indicator of the presence of State aid but not necessarily its compatibility with the internal market. For State aid to be compatible with the internal market it must, among other things, […]

State Aid May Have an Incentive Effect Even After the Start of Work: But Would it Favour Inefficient Operators?

Introduction Perhaps the most important aspect of the compatibility of State aid with the internal market is the presence of incentive effect. That is, the aid is capable of changing the behaviour of the recipient. If it does not, then public money is wasted because it has no effect on what happens on the market anyway. In principle, in order […]

Draft Regional Aid Guidelines: Simpler and Clearer

Update on Temporary Framework: Number of approved and published covid-19 measures, as of 31 July 2020: 235* Legal basis: Article 107(2)(b): 24; Article 107(3)(b): 198; Article 107(3)(c): 18 Five Member States have implemented 13 or more covid-19 measures each: Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy & Poland. – Average number of measures per Member State: 8.3 – Median number of measures per […]

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